Friday, December 17, 2010

Night before Christmas re-write

I was sitting at my desk thinking of some sort of devotional to do tonight with the Youth Kids when all of the sudden I found myself reading "The Night Before Christmas." Its a great story and all but it says NOTHING about the real meaning of Christmas, so I looked some up online but none of them really said what I wanted to get across to the Teens. And so.... I re-wrote my own little version and just thought I would share...

The Reason for Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the malls, all the people were scattered and bouncing like balls.

The stores they were packed with goodies for family and friends, in hopes that people would just spend and spend.

And the church it was empty just waiting to fill, it’s Christmas Eve we all know the drill.

Families together now sing carols with candles they will soon light, it’s the holiday season together we’ll be even families who fight.

We’ve made our lists of what we would like to be under the tree, we’ll just have to wait in the morning to see.

Presents are wrapped with neat little bows and labels to tell us to whom they will go.

The time with our loves ones has brought us such joy but the little ones just cannot wait to have a new toy.

And so off to bed their parents will send all the while forgetting to tell them of their best friend.

You see He’s the reason we even celebrate for He is the reason this holiday we did create.

We were once lost and now we can be found because a long time ago His mommy’s tummy was round.

She gave birth to him and laid him in a manger so that we would all avoid becoming a stranger.

His life was a gift from the heavenly father above a beautiful and precious gift of amazing love.

Jesus came as a babe that Christmas day so that some day later he would take all our sins away.

We light up our homes and decorate so nice but let us always remember this gift that came at such a high price.

Christmas was meant to remind us of love, joy peace and hope, so don’t forget its meaning and be a big dope.

(By:Katherine Woitko written 10/17/10)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Breeding Grounds....

I just hung up the phone with a friend who I got to share AMAZING news with. I was so excited about what I got to share with her. It's something we had just talked about recently and she and I both were so beyond words excited about what it going on. She told me something that helped trigger other thoughts, she reminded me that when I have those thoughts and feelings.... like when I just KNOW something amazing is going to come out of a not so awesome situation... I need to voice that. This friend inspired me to be more visibly passionate about the things I feel and believe... now that's sometimes easier said then done but after I hung up the phone I realized that the conversation between that friend and I was BREEDING GROUND..... a moment where something was birthed. I realized that passion, faith, and excitement are BREEDING GROUND for more passion, faith, and excitement to be formed. It's so crazy what happens when you share those moments and thoughts with someone else. Not only does it get you pumped but it also pumps up the other person and carries out down the line. BREEDING GROUNDS are responsible for the births of countless animals.... BREEDING GROUNDS of faith are responsible for countless moments of LIFE CHANGING events for the masses. The story of the fish and the loaves... total breeding ground for faith, seeing what God could do with so little. The story of Rahab, a woman who was a prostitute who ended up as part of Jesus' linage because she made a choice based on the passion 2 spies had... breeding ground for redemptive purpose. The bible (and life) are FILLED with BREEDING GROUNDS... moments where everything seemed pretty ordinary and usual and all of the sudden out of left field this crazy thing happens and it changes the balance of everything. Feeling pretty blessed sitting in this little office used as BREEDING GROUNDS.

AMAZED, AWED... honestly just WOW!!!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

If I can be real...

Ever do something that you knew was going to affect others? You didn't do it to intentionally hurt anyone but in the end it hurt people who you love, respect, admire, and care a lot about? Feels like the weight of the world is on your shoulders because you know that you disappointed people who were expecting you to excel and all you really did was fail. You didn't even appear to rise to the challenge. In your heart you wanted to exceed it but no one ever really taught you just how important it really would be to do that thing you were challenged to do. In some ways you thought you were meeting that challenge by doing other things but you just didn't realize the importance of focusing on that one task, the one someone else would look at later and ask you reached the mark on the bar that was set for you. No ones really ever challenged you like that before so you just developed a habit of flying under the radar and now... now there's an in your face challenge to do BETTER then what you think you can do and better then what you've done in the past. Habits are good and bad but the habits that spur others on to do good things and to do better then what they are doing are ones that we should all aim for, and although I know that and try real hard to do the things I feel like I should sometimes I mess up and sometimes the human in me over takes the things that I know I can and should do. Some days I mess up, and some times a day feels more like a year.... and thats when the feeling of EPIC FAIL creeps in.... that feeling that I am failing and can't do things right. In my heart and my mind I know what God has for me and I know that I am not a failure... but somedays.. if I can be real just for a second more, sometimes I feel like an EPIC FAILURE.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Rare /Uncommon = the norm

So in my world "Rare and Uncommon" has become the norm, or what may happen. I have been the person who has hit most statistics and had some pretty strange experiences. Life seems to come at me fast and hit me pretty hard at times. As I have grown older I have realized that instead of freaking out and being negative I should look at the positive side of things.

The other day I went to the dermatologist to have a bump (Bessie) removed from my leg, nothing serious, just standard "rare and uncommon" stuff being my norm. I walk in (mid november) in my shorts and flip flops and right away doc is alarmed at the site of what is going down with my foot. An allergic reaction to the RED ink in my tattoo. She then has to give me 7 medicated shots to reduce the swelling from the ink and prescribe medical creme which I will have to apply for the next 2 weeks. I looked it up online later on (b/c google is my worst enemy) and it says "Allergic reactions are very uncommon." Yup that's right.... UNCOMMON! A friend of mine (the week prior to this when my tire blew out) said "wow, Kat, you just can't catch a break!" To the "normal" person that may be true but.... its kind of funny how things happen. Having an UNCOMMON allergic reaction to my tattoo reminded me of why I got it in the first place. It's a fireweed flower.... a flower that only grows in harsh conditions, you know like after a volcano erupts or something crazy like that.

All throughout my life there have been these moments, some funny, some crazy, and some just off the charts but all impacting. Moments where there had to be someone working on my side to make a difference and to get me where I am now (pg 23s). Times where I knew there had to be something more to this life then the craziness in front of me.

Moments have changed the events of my life, short snipits of time have forever impacted my world and its all because HIS plan was always the better plan.... so glad I turn over the blueprints and let HIM plan it out. Its been a wild ride and I am looking forward to more rare and uncommon moments becoming the norm!

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Choice Is Yours

We make the choice to love or to hurt. We decide if we are going to let people in or push them away. We pick and choose who we allow close enough to see our tears and our pain. We hide our happiness when we know others are going through tremendous amounts of sorrow and hurt. Our worlds are so easily impacted by others. Our lives seem to fall apart at times with just a simple shift of the winds. Our world views shape our reactions, our hearts break when we hear bad news, our minds explode with the thoughts that run through them all day. We're afraid to admit we can't handle it all on our own because some where in this journey we learned that asking for help isn't ok. When the tears start to flow we apologize of hide our faces because for some reason crying about things is no longer allowed. We are beings who were created to feel and were given such strong emotions and yet we some how think it is wrong to express those emotions or feelings because of what others may say or think. We all do at least one of these things, we all feel, we all love, we all hurt, we all cry, we all freak out, but so many of us feel like we're not allowed to express any of that for some reason. Someone somewhere in our lives told us we had to SHHH and not talk about the things that happen to us, in our live, around us or those moments that will forever define us be it negative or positive. Someone said it was not ok to feel what you felt, and you shouldn't talk about it because it might make other people feel weird. Someone told you you had to hold it in, you had to suck it up and deal. Someone told you to just get over it. Someone made you feel like your emotions and reactions were not justified.

Well.... that someone LIED. The creator of the universe, GOD, created you to be who you are. HE made you with all of your emotions, all of your traits (good and bad), all of your feelings, He made all of you. He knit you together in your mothers womb, He knew you before the foundations of the earth, every step was ordered. Yeah, even that one, the one that hurt so bad you're not sure you'll ever get over it, yeah He allowed that to happen.... why.... it's simple, while GOD is incredible and loving man still remains man with free will and quite honestly stupidity and we in turn weather by accident or on purpose hurt others (hurting people hurt people). The awesome thing about hurt is... it can be REDEEMED (just like those bottles & cans that you turn in to get money). God can use your hurt to positively impact the lives of others... but... you have to be willing to allow for healing. You have to "let go and let God"... surrender your hurt, your pain and yes even your desire for revenge and allow God to love you like never before sot that you can learn to love others and help them heal.

We all make choices, we all have emotions, we were all created by a loving God who wants nothing more then to see our ashes turned into beauty. The choice is yours, how will you react?

Monday, October 25, 2010

Tagging Along

So often in our society people think they deserve honor simply because of who they are or what they think they do. In our staff meeting today Pastor Todd shared a story most of us had read before. Sometimes it takes someone else pointing it out to you for you to see something that's staring you right in the face. Pastor Todd shared Esther 4 with us. Esther is one of my favorite books in the bible because it's all about this UNLIKELY female raising up and making a huge difference.

But today I learned something new. Esther had always looked to Mordecai for direction, whatever he encouraged her to do she did. But Esther goes from this common girl in her village to the wife of the king. She is all of the sudden in this place of power. Mordecai now goes to Esther for help/ advice because his people are being threatened, their lives, their race, their linage is in danger because some guy who thought he deserved the honor just because of his position got angry when Mordecai would not bow to him. He thought he deserved honor because of his position in leadership, and so he convinced the king to sign a decree that all Jews would be killed (without the king really knowing thats what he was signing). Esther tells Mordecai what to do and then... then it happens the real reason to be honored.

Esther 4: 15 & 16... Then Esther sent this reply to Mordecai: “Go and gather together all the Jews of Susa and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. My maids and I will do the same. And then, though it is against the law, I will go in to see the king. If I must die, I must die.” Esther was willing to die, to sacrifice EVERYTHING for the people she loved, the thing she was passionate about. Esther was committed to what needed to be accomplished and in the end she was honored for it. Because Esther was willing to sacrifice and was willing to give her everything for the cause she was honored. She was not only given an audience with the king but her request was granted.

Things like that were unheard of, queens were killed for going near the king without being asked to do so, but Esther was willing to risk it all for the passion she had. Honor follows commitment so don't just tag along to your title and authority and expect honor, work for honor with your commitment.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

One Step At A Time

Five years and 5 months and 2 weeks ago I became a Bible College graduate. Today I met with my district presbyter for step one to receiving my license to preach. It's been a long time coming but it's something I have felt like I was supposed to do with my life since I was 15. This meeting today was 12 years in the making but I didn't realize just how much I wanted to pursue this until last night as I was finishing up the paper work I needed to hand in today. I stopped filling it out and left blanks because I was all of the sudden aware of the fact that this dream was only a few short steps away from being realized and yet those few short steps feel so very far away... one small step for man one giant leap for man kind.... yeah it won't affect man kind but it will affect my world ever so slightly. As I prepare to take this seemingly small step and stride toward a goal I pray God give me the wisdom, grace and strength to make choices that will be needed, pass tests and get through meetings. I pray that intimidation and fear would not be a factor and that my pass would be an asset rather than a hinderance. One step at a time I am walking this walk and following this dream! One step at a time!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tolerance VS Respect

Tolerance--- when is enough, enough? Sometimes you have to call it quits and stand up even if you're in an undertow-- it might be hard but sometimes tolerance can be ones worst enemy

Tolerance is defined as....a fair, objective, and permissive attitude
toward those whose opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality, etc. In theory tolerance is something that seems amazing and fair but where do you draw the line? When is it time to call it quits?

Personally I feel like the line between tolerance and respect have been blurred. Respect meaning to show regard or consideration for. I think you can be respectful to other people's beliefs, thoughts, race, nationality, and other such things without becoming so complacent in your own personal convictions. Tolerance often leaves room for too much to be permitted.

Being respectful in my opinion is important in order to be a "good person" but being tolerant is not, being tolerant in my opinion leads very easily to complacency.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fullness of Joy

Today was anything but ordinary in my little world....

Our amazing moms at The Point kicked off their group JEMS (Just Extraordinary Moms). I had the honor of hanging our with their little JEWLS (their kids). As I watched these toddlers just play and being themselves. They were so happy just running around on a baseball field and singing wheels on the bus.

A little later in the day I had the amazing chance to meet the newest member of Point Kids. An adorable baby girl named Lily (who despite her actual name I will call her LilyRose). Her parents and brother and sister were all so excited about her arrival.

Then I found myself sitting in my office (that sounds weird) looking around and thinking while I was finishing up the prep for the kids lesson on sunday. While I was thinking about how to explain joy to kids I realized I had been experiencing moments of JOY all day. As I reflected a little more I figured out that I have been experiencing JOY for about 10 years now. When I thought about why that was I realized that despite the tough moments in life I have been given this amazing gift of LOVE from God. No matter what goes on in life there is always HIS love for me which always produces JOY in my heart. (now I just have to work on getting it from my heart to my face more often but hey... people who are trying to grow have to continue to learn)

So glad that God's love for me results in JOY. Life has had too many moments of pain and hurt.... JOY is a much better gift and result.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Birthday Bag....

When it's your birthday people usually ask you... what would you like? do you want to go out for dinner? and people usually get you gifts and either wrap them or put them in a birthday bag.A lot of people wished me a happy birthday, I had some cupcakes with friends and family this morning and I got an AMAZING call from China! With just those three things it would have been a great day but today wasn't a great day it was an AMAZING day (so far)!!!

The greatest gift aside from the overwhelming love I have felt through out the day was the gift I was given this morning from about 9:00- 11:00 am. As we unloaded Pastor Todd's truck and my dad's mini van which were both PACKED full of backpacks and set them up in the schools gym/ cafeteria my heart skipped a few beats. I knew that moments from set up that room would be filled with students who had a need that we were about to meet. As they flooded in and Pastor Todd was given and opportunity to address the students I couldn't help but think of moments when others had been kind to me and helped me see Jesus in their small acts of kindness.
The best gift I received today (although I was given some awesome words of encouragement and a few material things)... the best gift was seeing these kids faces light up as we handed them a simple backpack filled with school supplies. My world is always rocked when I get to see how something so simple can impact someone else's world!

I am so thankful for a birthday full of bags which resulted in smiles! Without a doubt better then any birthday bag or party favor!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Called me GRUMPY.... (time to learn)

Is it being Grumpy when you are attempting to process something that you are either a- frustrated, b- annoyed, c- worried about, or d- all of the above?

Lesson being learned today.....
Check your attitude. Even if it is a tough day, week, month, year, check your attitude. Allow yourself time to be upset, annoyed, frustrated, and worried, but try your best to make sure that your reactions don't hurt or affect others in a negative way.

Its not the easiest lesson to learn, especially when you are not ready or willing to learn it.

Coupled with that lesson is the lesson in HONESTY. You (when I say you I mean me) need to be honest with others. When you're mad say you're mad, when you are annoyed admit it and when you're scared be brave enough to say so.

Ok here goes... sometimes situations make me mad, sometimes people annoy me to no end (and its usually those I am closest to) and yup I get scared.... more often then I like to admit.

There you go.... lessons in honesty and dealing with emotion.... man this one may take a little while to grasp onto. This whole being a leader and a learner thing isn't as easy as it looks when you're looking form a distance. Feels like I'm right back in that freshmen year of Bible College being broken into a million pieces and no longer noticing that reflection in the mirror because there is a change going on inside of me. Not one one that I talk a lot about because after all I am an internal thinker.

I think it was said pretty great in "Without A Paddle"--- "It is very confusing to the people in your life when you do not act the way that you are feeling." (Not saying its the best movie in the world but I am saying there's at least one good quote in it.) Acting the way that you are feeling is ok, but allowing the emotion to over take you is NOT!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Wisdom begets Humility

Needed a lesson form those I respect and admire today as I dealt with these questions:
How do you react when the thing you believe in the most next to your belief in God Him self is being publicly attacked? When someone is saying things that are sugar coated and masked to not appear to be belittling that thing that has stolen your heart and passion without you even knowing it what do you say? In a group of people that are supposed to be supportive, loving and compassionate people are backstabbing, giving false information and flat our lying.

What does God honor? God honors the humble. The ones who remember where they came from and who's they are, what they have and who they have it because of. The humble don't spotlight themselves they give credit and honor to others. The humble encourage others and uplift those who are hurting or in need. The humble ask God to continue to mold, shape, teach and guide them. The humble are honest, they keep their word and the promises they have made. The humble do not point out the fact that they are humble and most often hate it when others point out the amazing things they have done or the great things they are attempting to accomplish.

I am honored to be associated with some pretty humble and amazing people. Sure they have their flaws but one thing I truly appreciate about these people is they are willing to admit their faults and their wrongs. Another is that they are quick to say they are sorry when they have hurt someone.

So my prayer today..... God help me to become more like the people I respect and admire because they truly emulate Jesus!

Friday, August 20, 2010

12 is the Magic Number...

Exactly 12 year ago today (well yesterday now) my life completely changed. I held in my hands the most amazingly beautiful thing I had ever seen in my entire life. This pleasant pink coloring with a hint of blue gem like qualities, all the parts in the right places and everything it needed to make it picture perfect. Who knew that tiny little thing would rock my world? On this day, August 20th exactly 12 years ago, my mini me (baby sis) was brought into the world.

Little did I know this kid would cause me to rethink the way I wanted to live my life or do things. Who knew I would want to become a better per
son simply because of one person. So tiny and yet so full of impact on my life. My mini me became an inspiration for me with a simple breath and a glance. Those sparkley blue eyes that looked like sea glass melted my heart. Her simple existence caused me to want to be who God had for me to be... whatever it was I wanted to be that because I wanted to be a good example for her.

So God, 12 years later... help me continue to be someone she can look to and say... I want to be like her because she follows what God has for her. And God, thanks for letting me be a part of her life and even more amazing her a part of mine! What an honor!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Train Track Heartbeat

It wasn't a "requirement" it wasn't something that I "needed to do" it was something that made my heart beat a little different.... something I HAD TO DO! But why would I willingly get up at 6 am after an extremely long couple of days and go to a train station with 4 other people to give FREE breakfast bars to people I don't know????

Part of the answer came at the train station as I watch peoples faces change from the thursday morning slump to the wow someone cared enough to hand me something to make my day better mode. We handed 4 nutria grain bars to a family.. 2 little girls and their parents... unsure of why we were handing them breakfast bars they took them and walked away. Later on we saw them from across the track platform and the father said "this is a great thing you are doing." (that was a nice pat on the back for us)

People's faces and reactions were without a doubt worth it but something even more AMAZING happened when we left the train station. We went and had breakfast (and while that was great it wasn't the amazing part). Our waitress was a riot... at first I am pretty sure she was just annoyed with us b/c we were not ready to order and slightly obnoxious by the end of breakfast things were different. Todd, the master of words and getting people to feel comfortable asked Natalia what she thought he did for a living. She guest a counselor, then said he couldn't be gay b/c he was married, and then guest a stripper (pretty sure that was just to be funny). Then we handed her a Servolution invite card and she got it, Pastor! She also said, "you're probably a pretty cool pastor!" (I guess-- lol)

We got to show people the real love of a "christian" today. Instead of hiding the love that we so often tuck so deep in our hearts lets let it shine....

"This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine,
let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
Hide it under a bushel? NO! I'm gonna let it shine,
let it shine let it shine let it shine!"

Today the train tracks caused my heart to beat a little different, it was something I HAD TO DO!!! And now, I'm glad I did! Who needs sleep when you get to show people that they are loved?!?!? What a great opportunity! I am convinced, Serving is the gateway to an amazing day and life in general!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

515 days Later

The last 515 days life has been nothing but "different" to say the least. A year and a half of change, nothing, nothing at all is the same, even down to the silly little things. I don't live in the same place, I don't drive the same car, I don't eat the same foods, I don't hang out with the same people. Live is totally different. The biggest changes have happened in my heart. My passion, love and desires have increased and developed. I have learned that no matter what I do or think it is entirely possible that a year from now things will be different. I never thought I would love being home in new york quiet as much as I do. I realized that work could be so fun and fulfilling. And I never expected to love kids I have never even met. As my life changes I realize I could not have picked a better place to want to be. Although every day is not perfect and there are bumps (once in a while creators) in the road 99.999999% of the time there is no where else I would rather be.

And the changes just keep coming... Tomorrow we start the new phase of Point Kids. Change is good. Yes without a doubt change is good. It'll be our first day in THEATER 3, s theater JUST FOR the kids and we're introducing Tots&2s. Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day. I cannot wait to set up THEATER 3 for the first time ever so that it will be used to influence the next generation for the kingdom. What a great opportunity, what an amazing experience. I CANNOT WAIT!!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Latter will be greater

"My latter will be greater than my past!" It's from a song but it has sort of become my catch phrase or my mantra if you will.

In my Senior year of Bible College our worship leader introduced a bunch of new songs this song was one of them. When I first heard it my thought was... really?!?!? After hearing it a few times I realized my dislike for the song was because of the hurt and pain I had lived through. I couldn't figure out how my life was going to be AMAZING if it has been less than good for such a long time.

As I started to pray and ask God to heal my heart I began to understand that my thoughts of me and my past were not the ones He had for me. Through reading my Bible and talking about what I had experienced I could feel that chains that entangled my heart loosen up, but they would never be completely gone until I was willing to let go of the things I was holding onto.

You cannot experience true freedom- the greater until you LET GO of the past! So whatever it is that is causing you hurt, whatever it is you are dealing with, whatever it is that you have lived through, let the past go and let your LATTER truly have the ability to be GREATER than your past!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Reduce... Reuse... RECYCLE....

The word Recycle means... to treat or process so as to make suitable for reuse.
We have this big orange bin at my house that we put our recycle materials in. Once a week a truck comes by the house and empties the bucket into a truck where it is then taken to a recycling plant so that it can be treated and processed to make it suitable for reuse. Doesn't sound too tough or challenging... but recycling our pain... that sounds a little more tough and challenging. The hurts, habits and hang ups in our lives can either beat us down and destroy us or we can recycle that pain and reach out to others. It hurts a lot the first time you open up and share but the more you do it the more freeing it is. I've told my story a few times the first few were really hard to get through but then as you share it becomes something that you actually want to do. Its like a really deep cut... it takes time to heal but once it does your left with a scar... no longer painful just a reminder of what happened... a scar. Battle wounds are a part of life... we can either cover them up or tell others about them to help them avoid some pain or at least walk through it together. Recycle... let the things you go through process so that it can be made suitable for reuse.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Clinging to their teddy bears hoping for a better tomorrow

How could anyone look at a child and instead of seeing potential and the future see an oportunity for sex and personal gain? All around the world kids as young as 6 (some even younger) are being sold, stolen or forced into slavery. This slavery isn't to farm land, cook and clean this slavery is sexual slavery. How could anyone think its ok to force a child to do things they should never even know about. I look into the eyes of innocent and adorable children on a pretty much daily basis and I could not imagine someone hurting anyone of them, but it happens and it happens more often then people would think. Kids are forced into slavery and put on a brothel menu... their names are taken away and they are given numbers attactched with services they will provide and the prices. Every minute 2 children are dragged into this dark world of human trafficing. At the end of a day that equals 2,880 kids, in a week its 20,160, in a month (appox) 86,400, and a year 1,051,200... over one million children in a year dragged into the world of human trafficing. What a horible thought. I wasn't sold into that dark scary world but I know the pain attatched to it all too well. Children should be allowed to be children for as long as possible, to remain sweet and innocent, for the world to be a place where they can learn freely and be loved. Instead for too many children it may become a place where they tremble in fear as they cling to their teddy bears and hope for a better tomorrow all the while feeling like it may never come.

sick day(s)

A funny thing happens when you are sick... you are given a lot of extra time to think. I had to have my gallbladder removed so I have been given a ton of extra time to think.

Today as I was reading through some emails and doing some thinking I realized... although it has cost a lot more then I had ever imagined it would... I could not imagine being ANYWHERE else in the world. I no longer just work a job and attend a church... I have this awesome opportunity to be a part of a church. Part of a plan to make an impact on a community. Part of a group of people who want to show love to lost and hurting people. I gave up my life as I knew it... independant, full of amazing friends to hang out with all the time, and so many other things. My life was going pretty well and I was content but the surrender brought about an amazing change a change I could have never imagined.... PASSION. I had lived 25 years of life with very little passion and now I have slowly tapped back into the passion I kept bottled up because of fear. If I showed the passion I had would risk people laughing or saying I couldn't do it. Few things in life have fired me up and caused me to want to give my all. Even sick all I want to do is whatever I can for this thing that I have become so excited to be a part of. I flashed back to a moment on a missions trip where I told a pastor that all I ever wanted to do was make a difference on God's behalf in this crazy messed up world. That was ten years ago and I repeated my pretty much exact quote today to the pastor of the GREATEST CHURCH I have ever attended. "If all I ever do at the Point for the rest of my life is scrub toilets then that's what I will do, I'm in for the long run." (granted some of the wording may have been a little different- except for the toilet thing) Although I miss some of the things that once filled my life I am so glad to be a part of the amazingness that is the Point!