Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Birthday Bag....

When it's your birthday people usually ask you... what would you like? do you want to go out for dinner? and people usually get you gifts and either wrap them or put them in a birthday bag.A lot of people wished me a happy birthday, I had some cupcakes with friends and family this morning and I got an AMAZING call from China! With just those three things it would have been a great day but today wasn't a great day it was an AMAZING day (so far)!!!

The greatest gift aside from the overwhelming love I have felt through out the day was the gift I was given this morning from about 9:00- 11:00 am. As we unloaded Pastor Todd's truck and my dad's mini van which were both PACKED full of backpacks and set them up in the schools gym/ cafeteria my heart skipped a few beats. I knew that moments from set up that room would be filled with students who had a need that we were about to meet. As they flooded in and Pastor Todd was given and opportunity to address the students I couldn't help but think of moments when others had been kind to me and helped me see Jesus in their small acts of kindness.
The best gift I received today (although I was given some awesome words of encouragement and a few material things)... the best gift was seeing these kids faces light up as we handed them a simple backpack filled with school supplies. My world is always rocked when I get to see how something so simple can impact someone else's world!

I am so thankful for a birthday full of bags which resulted in smiles! Without a doubt better then any birthday bag or party favor!

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