Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Cinderella's Song....

Last night before I went to sleep I wrote down a very specific prayer in my journal.... "Lord  I know that your word is true and that you keep your promises, before I go to bed I am asking you, reveal your plans for my life.  Lord give me dreams tonight about the plans you have for my life.  Cause me when I wake up in the morning to know and remember what you've shown me."  

Before I fell asleep around 1 am I wanted to be sure that I asked God to use my resting time to just show me what He has in store for my life.  I know that might sound a little flaky to some people and impossible to others, but I just felt impressed to pray that before I went to bed last night (early this morning).  

Well at 4 am that prayer (along with some other prayers from the last week) was/were answered. I don't think I ever doubted that they would be answered I am just always simply amazed at how timely and how precisely God seems to answer prayers.  Even when the answer is NOT what I expect the answer always works out in my favor in the long run.  When I woke up I used the light from my cell phone and began to journal the things that were on my mind, the dream(s) I had felt like God reminded me of/ gave me... 12 pages later I stopped and just reflected in awe for a few minutes.  Then I opened my bible app on my phone and read a passage (2 Samuel 9) and was blown away at how the two tied so well together.  

I don't believe in coincidences, I do believe in GODincidences though.  The journaling and the bible reading sparked a little online research for things I NEVER thought I would be interested in and some things that I forgot I had some passion for.  And then I was reminded of my mini's favorite movie... Cinderella... what a story... forgotten, underestimated, low self esteem, and a whole lot more going against her but she was destined for greatness... (I can relate).  She never stopped dreaming though...  

"A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep
Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling thru
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
the dream that you wish will come true" 

Thing is though... I don't think you have to simply have faith in your dreams... I believe you have to have faith in the dream giver.  It's been a long time since I have dreamed dreams like the one I just journaled about.  I know dreams don't come true without some kind of adversity but I also know that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger and more importantly that I have the "dream giver" in my corner.  

So here's to #uglyearly updates!!!!!! 

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Over the last few days I have had some great talks with some "old friends."  People whom I have come to love, respect and admire.  A few of them were college friends of mine, some I met while I was away at school, and some I have had the honor of knowing for a really long time.  In each conversations there were some tears, some moments that made me smile, but ALWAYS constant words of encouragement.  Now I'm a little bit like a puppy dog for anyone who has known me for more then like 5 seconds you would know that's true.  I'm pretty much loyal to the core (unless you've hurt me real bad and then I tend to nip at you, but I'm pretty forgiving and usually get over it).  I like to just "hang out," you're going for a walk, ok cool I'll keep you company, you're having a random car dance party (only a few people have been blessed to be a part of that) I want to join in, you need someone to just keep you company I'm there, you need a listening ear you got it.  You say nice and encouraging things to me and I get pretty excited, makes me feel like you care and you appreciate me.  You ignore me and I kind of want to pee on your shoe, unless of course I was sleeping then I would prefer that you ignore me (sometimes I need a little space).  See I'm kind of like a puppy!  Puppies are pretty constant, you know you can depend on them to be your best friend when you need it.  I got a dog almost two years ago, she's great, lazy, loyal and listens real well.  Sometimes I talk out my problems with her, thing is though, she doesn't give really great advice.  The great thing about the people I have been so beyond blessed to speak with this week is, they all had great things to say, encouraging, uplifting, loving (they get that I am kind of like a puppy).  One friend encouraged me to read, to her I say, thank you for valuing my growth.  One friend encouraged me to take some time to just be me, to that friend I say thank you for seeing me and knowing that sometimes I just need a few minutes.  One friend encouraged me to embrace things that I love to do, to that friend I wanted to say thank you for reminding me that it's ok to not do everything but to focus on what I love.  But all of them encouraged me to do two things, PRAY and TRUST.  You never know what twists and turns are going to pop out on this journey of life but one thing I know and understand is that not only is it nice to have friends and family who are constant in their love and support but it is so much easier to walk this journey when you walk it knowing that the one you talk to the most and trust in more then anything has your back and is more constant then the characteristics of a puppy and He fights for you like a lion would his cub (a little Muffasa/ Simba action right there).  Constant.... I am remaining confident in the creator who is so constant.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Never Question Honor...

There has been a lot in my life that has resulted in me really wanting to ask the "What Ifs" or "Why me" questions.  This morning as I read my pastor's blog, www.toddbishop.tv I was reminded of the importance of certain questions.  I've always enjoyed being around kiddos, they make me laugh, their so creative, and they have a desire to learn (among a few of my favorite things about them).  I can deal without the boogies and the sticky jelly hands oh and for sure without the farting on command (Special Thanks to a certain almost 8yr old PK... Malachi- thanks for teaching me the power of the stench).  But the one thing I have always appreciated about kids is the way they constantly ask questions form the WHYs all the time just because to the most knowledge and truth seeking questions I have heard like wanting to know more about the word redemption.  I've been given the AMAZING honor to pastor the children at the Point Church for the last 2 years and working with them for about 3 years and I must say I think I have learned more from them over the last few years then I have taught them.  I've learned that faith really is simple.  I have learned that loving your neighbor makes your life greater.  I have learned that there is no greater joy then serving God with your whole heart and I have learned that God loves me no matter what.  Now some of that I already knew... but the way kids approach things puts stuff in to a whole new perspective.  I cannot begin to unfold the honor it has been to learn, lead and love the kiddos I have been granted the opportunity to serve.  But that opportunity would not have come if a crazy formerly hickish youth pastor had not stepped into my world a little over 12 years ago.  My pastor Todd Bishop is one of the most amazing, genuine, compassionate men I have ever had the opportunity to learn, grow, and serve with.  When others didn't even seem to see me this man and his AMAZING wife Mary saw the potential God had in me.  He refuse to let me just be an "average joe" kind of kid, he knew there was more to my future then that.  I didn't see it and sometime truthfully now I have trouble seeing it, but I know that my pastor and his wife believe in me.  I know that this guy who saw something in me 12 year ago still sees something in me now... he sees potential.  We have this catch phrase at our church.... UNLEASHING YOUR FULL REDEMPTIVE POTENTIAL #FRP.  It means that we believe God is taking you FROM something, through something and ultimately to something.  The from and the through are not always exciting but the to is what you need to have hope in.  It's a lot easier to have hope in something when you have amazing people in your corner.  And while I may really want to ask the questions of the who, what, where, when why and how.... I know that it is more important to learn from the moments and experiences.  Asking questions is great but being prepared to learn is essential.  Today I just wanted to publicly put it out there that I am HONORED to know Todd and Mary Bishop for as long as I have and I am BLESSED to be allowed to serve with them and to be able to call them not just friends and my pastor but FAMILY.  So much love and respect for the Bishops, I probably would not have made it this far in the journey without them investing in me.  Love you both and HONORED to have you in my life.