Thursday, May 24, 2012


Over the last few days I have had some great talks with some "old friends."  People whom I have come to love, respect and admire.  A few of them were college friends of mine, some I met while I was away at school, and some I have had the honor of knowing for a really long time.  In each conversations there were some tears, some moments that made me smile, but ALWAYS constant words of encouragement.  Now I'm a little bit like a puppy dog for anyone who has known me for more then like 5 seconds you would know that's true.  I'm pretty much loyal to the core (unless you've hurt me real bad and then I tend to nip at you, but I'm pretty forgiving and usually get over it).  I like to just "hang out," you're going for a walk, ok cool I'll keep you company, you're having a random car dance party (only a few people have been blessed to be a part of that) I want to join in, you need someone to just keep you company I'm there, you need a listening ear you got it.  You say nice and encouraging things to me and I get pretty excited, makes me feel like you care and you appreciate me.  You ignore me and I kind of want to pee on your shoe, unless of course I was sleeping then I would prefer that you ignore me (sometimes I need a little space).  See I'm kind of like a puppy!  Puppies are pretty constant, you know you can depend on them to be your best friend when you need it.  I got a dog almost two years ago, she's great, lazy, loyal and listens real well.  Sometimes I talk out my problems with her, thing is though, she doesn't give really great advice.  The great thing about the people I have been so beyond blessed to speak with this week is, they all had great things to say, encouraging, uplifting, loving (they get that I am kind of like a puppy).  One friend encouraged me to read, to her I say, thank you for valuing my growth.  One friend encouraged me to take some time to just be me, to that friend I say thank you for seeing me and knowing that sometimes I just need a few minutes.  One friend encouraged me to embrace things that I love to do, to that friend I wanted to say thank you for reminding me that it's ok to not do everything but to focus on what I love.  But all of them encouraged me to do two things, PRAY and TRUST.  You never know what twists and turns are going to pop out on this journey of life but one thing I know and understand is that not only is it nice to have friends and family who are constant in their love and support but it is so much easier to walk this journey when you walk it knowing that the one you talk to the most and trust in more then anything has your back and is more constant then the characteristics of a puppy and He fights for you like a lion would his cub (a little Muffasa/ Simba action right there).  Constant.... I am remaining confident in the creator who is so constant.

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