I have never enjoyed tea, I've always wanted to enjoy drinking a nice warm cup of tea. There was always something about it that made me feel like it would be such a great idea but I never developed the habit.
A few weeks ago our church participated in a street fair where my friend Gina and I connected with a woman who ran her own tea company. She convinced me to test out a tea and I had it once or twice and was like eh, I could take it or leave it. Tonight I brewed the tea and then came up to my room to just relax.
As I sipped my tea and spoke with a friend of mine I realized the tea habit wasn't the only thing that was beginning to change within me. I've been learning so much, growing, and changing... and well... it's been an adventure for sure. I'm learning a lot about myself and about people. I'm seeing that there is more worth in my life then I often understand. I'm realizing that people around me have, can and will make an impact in my life but that I need to be cautious with who I allow to be that influence. I'm learning a lot of different things and as I learn I am growing and changing. So my prayer today is... "God help me as I continue to learn to continue to grow and be open to what you have for my life."
All because I drank some tea and liked it... =)
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