The day started out with Prayer at the Point, we had Saturday morning services instead of Sunday services because of Hurricane Irene who for some reason thought she could or would mess up this weekends church experience... NOPE... you picked the wrong Island for that. We won't be turned away by a little rain! =) It was such a cool experience to see people come to church on Saturday morning and change their plans so that they could experience what God had for themthis week. We took a little bit of a different approach in Point Kids, we had a Hurricane Happy Day... or a Super Silly Saturday which ever you prefer. We spent time just hanging out with each other playing games, bonding, and watching videos. As the children's pastor ofourAMAZING church I never want church be a place where kids dislike coming. I want our kids to know that church is a place they can come and have a good time bonding and learning about God. I love watching our kids interact with each other. They are the BESTkids in the world! They are the faces that keep me up at night and run through my mind all day long. They are the little hearts that break my heart and cause me to want to do something greater. They are the little hands that have left finger prints forever on my life (and once in a while on my clothing). They are the kids who I desire to see do big things for God, I fully believe they can and will CHANGE THE WORLD. I LOVE these kids they plague my thoughts and prayers and I wouldn't have it ANY other way!

Tonight in the spirit of being a CHILDREN's pastor I played in a puddle for a little while because... well because it seemed like a good idea! I was moving my car to a safer place so it doesn't get crushed by the massive tree outside of my house. On my way back into the house I accidently stepped into a massive puddle... not sure what came over me but I decided that playing in the puddles outside of my house was the best idea EVER!!!! So for like 20 minutes my little brother and baby sister and I played in a puddle like a couple of 4 year olds. It was so much fun! I don't really remember everything about being a little kid but I do remember it being fun and the puddlewas without a doubt AMAZING. It reminded me of what the Bible says about approaching God with child life faith. Kids are AWESOME, they believe for things that we adults would never think to believe in... I want that faith. I want that belief that God can and will do anything simply because He loves me and He's my best friend. The lessons I learn form kids are AMAZING... I love hearing them talk about God and the things they believe He can and will do. So tonight as I get ready to go to bed and this Hurricane nears my Island I pray, trust, and believe that GOD can and will take care of me and my loved ones, that He will keep us safe and that He will bring us peace in this crazy storm.

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