You ever have those moments in life where no matter what else happens you will remember exactly where you were and what you were doing when a certain thing happened? I'm not talking like Kennedy dying or 9/11... I'm talking like the first time you met someone or the first time you heard someone say I love you. Not a moment that people or life in general would remind you of often because it happens annually but something that a random Tuesday afternoon would make you think of or something like that.
I had a moment like that thirteen years ago. It was a seemingly regular day and then I met this amazing baby girl who FOREVER changed my world. Her bright blue eyes caught mine and I was instantly in love. Ten tiny fingers, ten itty bitty toes, beautiful eyes, a cute button nose, two ears, and skinny little lips... perfect in every way I could imagine. How could this tiny little thing steal my heart so quickly. As they laid her in my arms all I could think other then... dear Lord please don't let me drop her was... she's amazing! How could anyone not fall in love instantly with a kiddo like this?
Needless to say the day the mini me baby sis entered my world, my entire universe changed FOREVER! So glad God blessed my world with this kid... she def makes it a happier place!
So Happy DEKA TRIA birthday little buddy! (365 till you're 14)

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