Today my AMAZING church did something "out of the box" and so crazy AWESOME! Our Pastor made a great choice and cancelled Sunday morning services, but the best part of that choice was to have service TODAY instead. Now normally Saturday is filled with PANCAKES and family time so this was a little bit out of the ordinary for us but... my whole family went to church together which doesn't always happen so that was awesome. Church was AMAZING! I know worship was AWESOME because I could hear it through the floor up in POINT KIDS. I'm confident the message was AMAZING b/c I know the ability of our lead pastor and because my family talked about it after church. But I really know POINT KIDS was tons of FUN... we without a doubt followed rule number four which is "HAVE FUN" we watched a video, played candyland bingo, had animal crackers and apple juice, and played a little dodge ball (with bean bags?!?!). Good times had by all! Some times we just have to let loose and just enjoy church being at church and having a HAPPY HURRICANE DAY!!! =) I really LOVE POINT KIDS... spending time with them makes life so much more amazing!
After church my family deemed it a GREAT idea to go SHOPPING... yup that's right SHOPPING the day before a HURRICANE is supposed to hit... YESSSSS!!!!! My family is AMAZING!!!!! So we hit the outlets where there were surprisingly a bunch of people out and about enjoying the day! A little bit of a Red Mango smoothie, some Old Navy, Christmas Tree Shop, and a Sports store... YUPPPP def a legit afternoon of wacky Woitko happenings! I got HURRICANE PJ pants to rock ALLL day tomorrow and a pretty AWESOME Tshirt.... (remember my confessions...not sure I mentioned this one but I LOVE to shop... and I don't care if that's girly).

Then we HURRICANE proofed out windows... I helped... so much fun playing with ducktape... hope it truly does FIX everything. After that I secured my car in the neighbor's driveway FAR away from the scary HUGE tree in front of our house (which i hope doesn't kill me in my sleep). Then SWEET HOME ALABAMA... oh and steak =)

Yupp all in all a pretty great pre- hurricane day of awesomeness.
So incredibly thankful for my church family and my biological family for making days like today even GREATER!!!!!
bahahaha FRP!