As a kid most of us played hide and seek... it was a game, not a way of life... but some people have made it a way of life. Often times we think we can hide who we truly are and who we wish we could be behind who we want others to think that we are. We can't hide behind the image of who we want people to think we are we have to be willing to be real. Being real takes a lot of guts though and I am increasingly thankful for those who are HONEST and REAL. Life isn't always easy and there are without a doubt moments that make life increasingly difficult, but our life situations should not determine who we truly are deep down inside. I frequently MESS UP like no bodiesbusiness, I FAIL more often then I would like to admit and I am CLEALY far from perfect. One thing I am trying really hard to learn is to stay real in the midst of the toughest of days. Some days are easier then others, but I don't always get it right.... thank GOD He doesn't expect me to be perfect... I'd never succeed at that. I am realizing though that I have lived parts of life playing hide and seek. Sometimes unaware of the fact that I was playing but sometimes without a doubt aware of the fact that I was hiding and hoping no one would bother to seek. See I had older brothers and sometimes when we played hide and seek they would neglect to come find me... not funny when you're 4 but what you look forward to someone not finding you when you're trying to hide the you that's scared to let others see your faults, failures and shortcomings.
So how do you go from willingly playing hide and seek to no longer playing? Great question... let me know when you figure it out... =)
Ha ha... no really... I think the first step... is figuring our WHO's you are rather than who you are. If you know WHO's you are the reality of anything else just seems so much less important. Knowing WHO created you and WHO loves you and WHO has a plan for your life makes resigning from the game of hide and seek a little easier. It won't be easy but it will be worth it... that pit that runs somewhere between yourbelly and your throat will start to fade and the fear of others seeing you for who you are will decrease. Yeah you may still struggle with it but it will get easier the more honest you get with yourself.
After all, God tends to reveal the things that need to be revealed to those who need to see and know them, so why not be a willing participant in that rather then playing a game of hide and seek.

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