Not the Florida Keys although that would be nice... eh maybe not I'm not a huge fan of the heat. (Oh A.D.D how you do me so wrong some times)
Today "Lynndric" (aka Lynn) and I went to have keys made for our new church offices. It was quite the adventure as it down poured on our little trip to the local locksmith. We picked out keys and got them copied and as we were looking at all the different types of keys thoughts flooded my mind. Such an mundane task but such a crazy reminder. (You're DYING to know aren't you???)

A few years ago for father's day (or maybe his birthday) I gave my father a key on a chain and wrote him a letter. Now although I tend to act tough and like I don't need him or anyone else at times I do... I actually love having the amazingly protective men that are in my life as a part of my life. Anyway... I gave my dad this key and a letter. The letter was filled with things like how much I love, respect and admire my daddy. My dad will always be a man whom I look up to and admire. Few people I know are as genuine and real as him. No he doesn't always get it right but that's partly why I appreciate him so much. He is who he is and I love him for that. In this letter that I wrote to my daddy I explained the key to him. I let my daddy know that he was the first man I ever loved and that I respect and admire him. It also let him know that at heart I am a traditional girl and the key was to represent the key to my heart. I gave my daddy a key that I fully expect someone to ask him for some day when the time is right. See my daddy has done his best all my life to look out for me and be there for me and I trust him and know that he loves me, so I gave him the "key to my heart" and someone is going to have to ask for that.
Why did I give the key to my daddy? Well, simply because my daddy loves me and he cares about the choices I make in life but more importantly because I was challenged by someone when I was a senior in high school to guard my heart and live with a passion for purity.. and to WAIT for God's best. Not gonna lie there were without a doubt moments where I was SOOOOOO not wanting to be on that waiting train but deep down I always knew that my youth pastor (who is now my boss and pastor) was right (shhhh don't tell him I admitted he knows what he's talking So I wrote a list and began to pray... and then wait and wait and wait.... i'm not the most patient person and the waiting isn't so much fun... as I still wait and wait and wait but I know it will be more then worth it.
Why wait.... (here's a few reasons)
1- B/c it'll save you A LOT of heart ache. (or so it seems)
2- B/c you don't have to date just because people expect you to
3- B/c you don't have to date just because other people are dating
4- B/c at 17 I was not who I was 2 years later or even today
5- B/c I need to be a better me before I could be a good girlfriend... why should I expect Mr. Right if I am not willing to do my best to be Miss Right
6- B/c not everything socially acceptable is the right move in life
7- B/c my heart is worth protecting
8- B/c life is full of plenty of other complications
9- B/c "he" will be worth the wait
10- B/c I fully believe "he" was made just for me
11- B/c I am "his rib"
12- B/c HE's got a better plan then anything I would have come up with
13- B/c settling is NOT an option
14- B/c I am worth the wait (that one was a little hard to admit)
Yeah that about covers it... that's why I gave my daddy a key and why I am waiting. In the mean time Rebbeca St. James song "Wait For Me" and a journal have become great occupiers.
(A little encouragement to all my single friends... Waiting isn't too hard when you stay focused on WHO's you are rather than who's you'd like to be. Don't get swept up in the thought of maybe or what if... trust me I know that is easier said then done-- yeah I am that girly. But no seriously... I fully believe that for each person when you wait with the right attitude and motives then it will be worth it....not easy but worth it.)
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