Today two AMAZING guys stopped by and helped pack some boxes (NO I am not moving, we're relocating our offices). They put pretty much the last of things into some boxes and helped stack things a little neater so that the move will be easier.
People think I'm a little crazy (for a few reasons) but because I really LIKE to pack... and unpack. I love the thought of starting a new adventure, or having a fresh start. I rearrange my bedroom every few months just because I think change is good. I love getting rid of things that I don't need and displaying things differently. I've lived in my current room for a little over 2 years and I have rearranged at least 5 times. I love it! It makes like all the more interesting for me.
As we put things into boxes today I had some deep thoughts... I didn't share them but I thought about it... hence the blog...
I began to think about the things that we put in boxes, the stuff that we burry deep or we wrap in newspaper because we don't want them to be seen or get broken. You know the things that could be damaged or damaging to you. The stuff that you have written so boldly on the outside of the box "HANDLE WITH CARE" or "this end up." That hurt that you wrapped up and tucked away, they fear that you buried so deep thatyou almost forgot it existed. That dream or hope that you have been scared to talk about because you didn't want someone to call you out on it. That secret that you keep tucked among the packing peanuts. You know the stuff I'm talking about.
The thing is, all those boxes we packed do eventually have to be unpacked and organized in their new home. But what if I don't want to unpack that box?What if I'm not ready to organize that pile of stuff? What if I can't handle you seeing that thing I have tucked away for so long? What then? Can I just leave it in the box?
I guess I could but then I'd have half empty boxes laying around and the OCD in me would go CRAZY.... so how do I unpack those boxes that scare me to unload?
One step at a time, piece by piece, pile by pile, moment by moment... a little bit at once not too much that I get overwhelmed but just enough so I know it's safe.
As I unpack my "boxes" I know some people will ALWAYS be there with love, support, encouragement, and helping hands when I need it.
So tonight as I unpack a little at a time I just want to say thank you to those who have always let me unpack at my own pace.... you may not know it but that has meant the world to me.

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