So the last few weeks I've been getting schooled. I've been learning two crazy lessons that I didn't realize I needed to learn... but they have been helping me grow in some areas.
Lesson number ONE... it is more then ok to let guys be GENTLEMEN. It's ok to let a guy open a door for you and allow you to go first. It's more then ok to allow a guy to carry something heavy for you. It's more then ok to have guys in your life who look out for you in so many different ways. It's good to allow guys to be gentlemen. It's ok to want CHIVALRY to stay alive.

Lesson number TWO... its ok for girls to be girly. It's ok for tough girls to admit that they need help. It's ok for girls to cry when they are sad. It's ok for girls to just simply be girly with other girls. It's ok to admit that manicures and pedicures are an indulgence that you enjoy.
So essentially I have been learning a few lessons that I have known all my life but at times I need a refresher course in.
Over the last few weeks I have become increasingly thankful for the people in my life who are helping me to learn lessons like this whole Ladies & Gents situation. So friends and family... THANKS... thanks for helping me see things I needed to be reminded of.... oh and for pointing our silly things like the fact that Iam WAYYYY more girly then I like to let on!

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