So Stacey, the woman I nanny for, the 2.5year old Liam, and the 2.5 month old Ari and I loaded in the SUV and followed gramma and grampa to the BRONX ZOO this morning. Dodging traffic and a few crazy NY drivers we got to the zoo with no issues.

Liam was stoked prob not near as much as I was but we were both pretty amped about seeing the Elephants. We soon found out that we would be going on a mono-rail ride and that increased our excitement from a 10 to a trillion. (WE LOVE TRAINS) We saw tons of animals, camels, monkeys, deer, lions, a panda koala, the elephants and a few others oh and a super cool show about a guy who's favorite bird was a bird that didn't fly but swam. Our favorite by far was the Elephants...."Kat look there's TWO elephants, Lette is and elephant just like them!"(in a super excited slightly squeeeekie kiddo voice)

Then there was lunch and a long walk back to the car to head home as we without a doubt skipped the whole nap thing. Yeah, so not the best idea ever but the zoo was well worth it! There were a few mini meltdowns and one really big one on the way back to the car. It started with a shoulder ride and ended with a littleboy crying because he had to sit in the stroller because he was hitting and pulling hair (my hear still hurts a little). So much fun though. =) Nap never happened but lots of bonding time for Liam, Ari and Kat wasa def must today! Liam and I played with a piggy back for like and hour while Ari hung out in his super cool baby seat. Liam attempted to eat me and Ari which resulted in having to put away our toy that we were enjoying playing with.... hate having to say no but sometimes the answers we get are not always what we want and we melt down a little.

All that story to say...
Meltdowns happen! They happen when you're 2.5 and someone tells you NO! And they happen when your in your 20s and you ask a question that you just get simply frustrated waiting for the answer to. They happen when the nannytells you you cannot pull her hair or hit her even though you're tired. And they happen when you just wanted to come home and relax but remember that you had stuff you had to get done. They happen when you get told you can't bite your baby brother. And they happen when you just wish something would happen a certain way and it doesn't. Meltdowns happen! We're human, we have emotions and sometimes our emotions get the best of us. Sometimes a conversation will spark tears. Sometimes a text will prompt unending laughter. Sometimes a note will make you feel on top of the world. Sometimes a moment will change how you feel. God created us with all of our emotions as crazy and intense as they maybe He chose to make us that way for a reason. I've tried to grasp this concept for the last few years but in the last few weeks/ months I have been learning A LOT. I have been hit with the realization that I am who I am and I need to be who I am. When I am an emotional hot mess I need to let that be who I am that day, and then pick up the pieces, wipe the tears, eat some ralphs or go to the batting cage and move on with life. I have been blessed with AMAZING people in my life who have helped me learn some of this but ultimately it comes from truly spending time with who made me and learning that HE loves me the way that I am and that I need to love me that way too, because if I don't get the factthat HE loves me down how can I ever let someone (anyone) else in? Lord help me to continue to grow and see myself how you see me!

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