(AMAZING FRP cookies The ING made)

(Cheese Cake Creation)

After bible study my brothers and baby sister and I worked for 2.5 hours on putting together a picnic bench for PointKidsjr. Assembling a kids picnic table seemed like a pretty simple task... and there were four of us.... NOPE... crazy!!! The table almost flew out the window at one point but it's together! Check that one off the to-do list and throw it in the DONE pile! (THANK GOD!!!)
So todays life lesson... well first of all PEOPLE are far more important then things. Why did I make the cheese cake bars, because someone I really truly respect and admire enjoys cheese cake so I made them to bring an extra smile to their face. Why did my brothers and sister help me with the picnic table because I asked and because they knew it was for our church. Why did I insist it get done tonight, because I was determined to not disappoint the boss, who asked me to get it done (I was already behind on getting it done). PEOPLE are far more important then things, projects, time or anything else. I have been amazingly blessed with some great people in my life and I am so thankful for each and every person God has allowed to come through my life. My day off often helps me to remember that there are some pretty incredible people in my world. Today that list included.... my insane family who made the day all the more interesting, the AWESOME people at bible study who have sparked some learning and growth, the friends who sent me texts, emails and called me today to help me along the way even if it was something silly. So if you were part of that today... THANK YOU!!!!! =)