I LOVE SUNDAYS.... they are by far my favorite day of the week! I get to attend and serve at an AMAZING church which in my opinion is the BEST church ever... but I'm a little bias! We have an incredible pastor and an amazing church family. It is incredible to see how much our young church has grown over the last 3.5 years. I love seeing the lives that have been changed and getting to be a part of some of that. God is doing awesome things at the Point and it just gets better and better each week. Ourworshipteam is AMAZING and I'm not just saying that because oneof my childhood friends leads it. They are a talented group of musicians and watching then grow as a team, develop their talents and watching our worship leader develop in his leadership skills is incredible.

Today we had a special treat (not that the messages aren't AWESOME every sunday) but today our associate pastor Nick spoke for the first time ever in our new building. 

In his amazing pink shirt he spoke about being WITH GOD and he quoted one of my favorite poems... Foot Prints. Such a great reminder of how NO MATTER what we walk through God is walking through it with us. I only listened to part of the sermon because I was needed else where. Which brings me to the reasons I LOVE Sundays the most. There are about 30 reasons I love SUNDAYs... (well maybe a few more but close enough). The kids of our church make Sunday even more amazing! Today our younger kids learned about the 10 commandments, they colored, made "parchment paper", sang songs, played with the parachute and enjoyed sensory bins... tons of fun. Ourolder kids learned about CHANGING the WORLD, we learned that every action we take or don't take has the potential to impact others and situations in life. Our objectwas a little gross, I volunteered for that one. Multigrain Cheerios, plastic baggie, plastic spoon and orange juice.... I didn't make the right choice by having breakfast at home so I had to make do with what I had. I poured my juice into my plastic baggie of cheerios and ate a bite.... after spitting in back in I let the kids know that oj and cereal in that way were TERRIBLE. We read a book called "The Boy Who Changed The World" by Andy Andrews and then we made pipe cleaner butterflies to remind us that even the smallest actions can make a difference.I LOVE SUNDAYS!!!!

As if the morning wasn't awesome enough... I was told to stay home this evening so that I could have dinner with my family to celebrate my birthday (a little early but not everyone will be home on my actual birthday). So we hit Applebees and had some dinner.... laughs, food, family... good times!

My parents however thought it was an absolute MUST to let the waitress know that it was my birthday... this caused a few moments of the ducked head no eye contact posture. Although it was slightly obnoxious it was really nice just spending time with my family. I probably don't mention it enough but... they are pretty great!
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