I was having a tough day today... like from the moment I woke up and I just couldn't shake the feeling of being overwhelmed. I cried A LOT off and on all day. I kept it under wraps when I was around other people. I've become a little too good at that sometimes. On my way home I balled my eyes out and ended up texting 2 friends(at a red light) to see if they would mind if I got in touch with their mom just to ask her to pray with me through something. My friends were awesome and totally ok with the idea (thanks again). So I sent a text and she invited me over to talk. Four hours, dinner, a few tears and some laughs later my world became increasingly more AMAZING. As we sat and talked about life and the crazy things that get thrown at us and how awesome God is I realized that some people end up taking on some prettyamazing characteristics of God like compassion. Tonight as I sat and talked with one of the most compassionate women I have ever met my world seemed to fall just a little bit more back into place. My friends mom is one of the greatest women I have EVER met, if I could be like her when I grow up... even a smidgin, I think that would be the best thing ever. She's fantasical and she fears God. She's without a doubt the picture of a Proverbs 31 woman. She's such an inspiration to people around her. She genuinely cares about people who have been placed in her path. She's an amazing cook. She's kind and caring. She just an all around great person. And tonight she took time out of her life to invest in me. Shetalked methrough some things I was dealing with and payed me some amazing compliments which I simply said thank you to. But when she said she wanted to adopt me I seriously teared up. She said so many sweet and loving things to me and I just wanted to say.... THANK YOU.... thanks for being who you are and for loving the people God has placed in your path. (even though you will more then likely NEVER read this.... thanks for being you and for taking the time out of your night to make my day way better)

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