7 too early AM this morning I was greeted by and ADORABLE 2.5 year old singing "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" It was a day early and unexpected but it was awesome non the less. My little buddy Liam sang me happy birthday off and on all day. It was so cute. How'd we celebrate? I knew you'd want to know! Liam and I put on his rain boots and headed outside. We found some crazy awesome puddles and we splashed like no bodies business. Then we hit the playground where the cool twistie blue slide turned into a water slide. Yeahhhhh Buddy!!! So much fun! After getting completely soaked we had to change clothes and then had some snack (peanut butter and apple slices). Then the doctor, where we explored the building and rode on the elevators.... we love pushing buttons. On the way home Liam learned to FIST PUMP and bob his head to the music.... love teaching him redic things! When we got home it was time for a nap and then we baked brownies. Liam helped me blow out my candle and then we got to eat them... so yummy.

What life lesson did I pull out of today... well first off puddle jumping is fun no matter how old you are. More then that if it's gonna rain you may as well have fun with it or at try to. Instead of staying inside and being sad we made the most of the day. We jumped in puddles, we explored and we baked brownies. When it rains I tend to want to stay inside and sleep but today I was reminded of how awesome it could be if we focus on the positive and we end up having such a better day. Yeah I still dislike the rain... mostly because it messes up the ability to really go out and have fun but there are things we can only do in the rain like puddle jumping and dancing in the rain. So, when it rains... strap on those rain boots and find a big old puddle and start splashing around like nothing else matters... even if just for a few minutes to remind yourself that there is a positive in every situation.
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