Tonight I get the chance to hang out with my Pastor's AMAZING wife, Mary and my AWESOME friend Gina! We headed to the movies and sawThe Help... which by the way was an EXCELLENT movie... minus the whole swearing thing. A crazy story about the sad history of racism in our country. Can I just say I am so glad I live in a time and place where people are looked at way more equally and that race enhances our experiences in life. I have been so enriched by knowing so manydifferent people and our races, religious beliefs, ages, and backgrounds have only made the ways our lives can and do impact each other even better. I love the differences in people and the things that make us similar like the creativity of our creator. I love that my friends of different races and cultures have taught me about their backgrounds so that I could have to opportunity to learn new things like customs and beliefs behind things. Tonight as I watched The Help I realized that I was sitting inbetween two extremely special people (and not the "don't eat the paste" type of special). I realized I was sitting in the middle of two people who have so greatly impacted my world. They are both extremely different people.

First up... Gina. What can I say about Gina? She's taught me so much in the last year, which is a little strange because I'm older then her and should probably be teaching her. But Gina has impacted my world. She's taught me some pretty amazing life lessons. Gina has taught me to find joy in moments that are just absolutely crazy. Like
a few weeks ago when she had a TERRIBLE day, like everything that could go wrong did, Gina still smiled and kept going. She's reminded me of some pretty crazy dreams I dreamt while I was in college and helped me remember that its ok to dream something crazy. She's reminded me that laughter truly is the best medicine. She's helped me to see that being girly is way more then ok, and actually really fun. She's encouraged me in so many ways... probably WAYYY more then she will ever know or realize. I am so
thankful that Gina has become a part of my world.

And now Mary. I've known Mary for like 11 years. My senior y
ear of high school Mary was my sunday school teacher. She poured into my life from the moment she began teaching my class. From things like praying with me about my college choice to praying through situations I was facing to encouraging me to make a list, Mary always gave me good Godly counsel. She checked in on me while I was in college and always had something encouraging to say. Every conversation I have ever had with Mary has left me thinking, and left me with the feeling of being able to accomplish great things for God. Watching her with her husband and children and the way she loves our church encourages me to want to do better at the things I do. Mary is an incredible woman and I am honored to consider her a friend.
I have been so blessed with some really awesome people in my life. I am really thankful for the amazing people God has blessed me with. Really glad I got to spend time with some awesome people tonight! =)
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