So when I was a kid I was pretty into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

I have two older brothers so that more then likely had something to do with it. I mean I really really liked them. I was April Oneil for halloween one year even though I without a doubt wanted to be Michaelangelo... he was funny and cool. I liked turtles a lot and still do. I just think they are amazing. I like the way they carry everything that means something to them with them... they take their home with them, they're like little nomads. One thing that always kept me in awe was the fact that their bodies could retreat into theirshells. The closet nerd in me has without a doubt looked that up. And the reason I thought it was was a reason that happens... which I thought was cool. (I know I know... you are DYING to know what that reason is...)

Turtles retreat into their shell to protect themselves.

When they feel threatened they retreated into their shell. Turtles protect themselves from danger. They keep themselves out of harms way. So what's my take away on this little thought? Maybe I should learn something from turtles. Maybe I should be willing to pull away and hide out when I feel threatened. Maybe I should create some more boundries. Maybe I shouldn't allow some things that I allow. Maybe I should trust that some warning signs are really to help me be more aware of dangers that might be sneaking up on me. Maybe I should be just a little bit more like a turtle. Maybe I should keep me safe... or at least my heart. My heart had been bruised and broken far too many times in life and I am learning that although it heals it hurts so much and it's tough. So as I studied the turtle I remembered watching the teenage mutant ninja turtles and has this thought about being like a turtle but not just any turtle.... Michaelangelo. See he was a goofy dude, liked pizza, fun loving, a little crazy, and just chill. I like to think I'm a little like Michaelangelo.... thats prob a little big headed but whatever! But the think I ALWAYS liked about Michaelangelo was the way that he ALWAYS took care of the people he cared about.... his brothers, splinter, April Oniel. He was concerned for their safety and often unaware of the danger to himself. He had character and integrity (well as much as you can have as cartoon character).
So today as I think about turtles and how they protect themselves and how I am a little like Mickie I am realizing that there are some qualities I can take from both that would be a great idea to adapt to.
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