Ever take a walk down a road and think... hmmmm this doesn't look familiar? Yeah me too and I HATE it... being LOST is so not my idea of a good time. Although there are some really amazing people I wouldn't mind being lost with because they have the gift of making EVERYTHING more fun. I must confess I'm not SUPER excited about UNCHARTED TERRITORY. I kind of like to know where I'm going... GPS.. YES... I like to know the twists and turns I need to take. Well... life just threw me a HUGE twist and turn on this journey. My entire life (well as long as I can remember) I have had the same BEST FRIEND

and now... she's about toleave on a new adventure. It's uncharted territory for her and I am so EXCITED to see what she does. the opportunities that are before her are just INCREDIBLE. She's one of the greatest and most talented people I have ever met... not perfect but AMAZING none the less. But the selfish part of me is so not ready for the UNCHARTED TERRITORY I'm about to enter into. My whole life (as long as I can remember) no matter what happened or where I was or what I was doing I ALWAYS had my BEST FRIEND by my side. She was always there supporting me, loving me, and encouraging me to go after whatever my heart desired. She's been my rock in some of the toughest of times and I am not sure where I would be without her. She's made me laugh when all I wanted to do was cry. The stories we could tell would both make you shake your head b/c you don't get it and cause you to laugh like never before b/c we're just that insane. The memories we share are irreplaceable. So as my BEST FRIEND prepares to move halfway across the globe my heart is sad because I will miss being able to just pick up the phone or grab starbucksor ice cream with her or watch old home videos or play boulderdash with her and our other AMAZING friends.As I fight back the tears I can't help but think.. but what if something big happens while she's gone, 3 years is a long time my whole WORLD could change. Who will I text about theDUMB things that only she would understand? Who's shoulder will I cry on or who will I laugh endlessly with? I mean I have other friends but... no one knows me like my NICOLE knows me. It's with bitter sweet emotions that I say "goodbye" to my BEST FRIEND. I'm not ok with this whole UNCHARTED TERRITORY but I didfind comfort in the fact that technology has made keeping in touch easier and that I have AMAZING friends like my OSC homies

(thanks Matthew, Rachel, Leah and David.... love you guys). My world is about to completely change and enter into this UNCHARTED TERRITORY so before I soak the keyboard I'll end with this.... NICOLE FICARO... I love you I am so proud of you and HONORED to have been your best friend since that day I threw the block at you and then we hugged... the rest is history. I cannot wait to see what the future holds, however if Sunday NEVER came and went I would be ok with that too... gonna miss you while you travel UNCHARTED TERRITORY!!!!
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