On Friday mornings we meet up at the train station in Hicksville (Thursdays for some of our team in Babylon), we get there at around 7am to hand out breakfast bars andinvite cards to the people heading into the city for work in the morning. Some people are hesitant but even if it's just for that one person like the guy yesterday who asked where the church was and seemed genuinely interested make getting up at 5:15 ammore then worth it. After the train station it's back to the office to finish up our loose ends for the week to be sure we're ready for Sunday morning.Our speaking/ teaching team also has our creative team meeting, brain storming and planning. Most Fridays we play a round of dodge ball and kick back a little bit as a team before that dayis done. Because after all... "a staff that prays and plays together says together" (Todd Bishop)
This past Friday was slightly different... well... it stated out the same...Train Stationhanding out breakfast bars talking to some people from the area about our church..that never gets old... LOVE sharing about our AMAZING church! Then to the office to get some work done. Then we headed to our lead pastor's (Todd) house for lunch and a meeting, a little out of the ordinary but not too much. After that Pastor Josh, his awesome wife Sarah, Gina and myself headed to BJs to get food for the 40+ students our church will be hosting this week. FOUR shopping carts and a SUPPPPER long grocery receipt later we may have enough food to last like 3 days... after allTEENAGERS can EAT!!!! As we were shopping we hadsuch a great time just laughing and being us. As we loaded up ourcarts and just plain acted silly I realized something.... or maybe re-realized something.... I LOVE THIS TEAM. But the 4 of us didn't take into account that 4 grocery carts FULL of food would need to get back to the church... ummmm yeah... ouch! So we loaded the food in ever nook and cranny of Gina's SUV and when we ran out of room we loaded the bread onwhoever ended up in the passenger's seat. It was without a doubt anadventure in its own right. Then the unload with our amazing friend Jennifer cam on over and helped with... which was not without it's craziness... but without a doubt AWESOME!!!!
The best part for me though may have been that night as PJ, Sarah, Gina and I had dinner and AMAZING conversations together. We hung our till like 12:30am just talking and laughing and getting to know each other better. I must say... this team is INCREDIBLE!!!!! It is such an honor and a blessing to be a part of this staff and this church... I am SOOOOOOOO glad I moved HOME!!!!! I cannot wait for this week coming up and for all the other amazing adventures life is going to throw at thisAWESOME team!
Here are some pics from our FUN FRIDAY!!!!!

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