The alarm went off at 5:15am this morning and as I groaned because 5am of ANY kind on the alarm clock is just absolute insanity in my world. So as I rolled out of bed and prepared for the day I kept thinking about the opportunities that presented themselves this morning. Our team met at the train station in Hicksville to hand out FREE breakfast bars and invite cards to the commuters. We've done this every summer I've been here in NY (this will be the 3rd summer) and each year it reminds me of something AMAZING...
The combination of the people running to the train platform and the trains coming in and going out providing opportunities for people to get where they would like to go sends me in to a thought about God. He's a lot like the train... waiting and providing opportunities to get us where we'd like to go. He carries us there because lets be real commuting from Long Island to NYC is not the easiest on foot, just like navigating through life isn't that easy without HIS help. I find myself to be a lot like the passengers on the train. Coming and going, busy and attempting to stay focused, trying really hard to not be distracted by the other passer-bys or those crazy people handing out invite cards and breakfast bars. The thing I often have to remind myself is that God's timing is not like the trains timing. His timing is perfect! If I miss the "train" I thought I was supposed to be on He's amazing and He's willing to double back and pick me up.
Oh the lessons I learn at wayyyytoo early in the morning! Thankful for the chuga chuga choo choo experience this morning! =)
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