This post is for my dear sweet niece Trinity!
My Dearest Trin-
You baby girl stole my heart 5 months ago, well actually before that. Pretty sure I fell in love with you the day your mommy told me she was having a baby. You were theperfect gift for your already AMAZING family. The love story your parents have is incredible. The way your family has been pieced together is so awesome. Your mom and big sister and I went to church together for a while. Your mom and I taught a class together and then began a jr high youth ministry where we got to invest in kids and we build a bond that I had no idea would be anywhere near the impact it's been in my life. Your mom is my Jonathan, that friend that sticks closer then a brother. She's been there for me in so many ways and I will always be eternally thankful for the part she has played in my life. She's AMAZING... trust me! A few years ago she and your father met. They dated for a little while andthen lost contact for some time. Through a series of events they ended up back in each other's lives. Your dad and big brother started coming to the church and I had the awesome opportunity to get to know them... they're pretty incredible... you're a blessed kid. Alittle over 2 years ago your dad and mom got married and I had the amazing honor of reading some scripture at their wedding. The day they got married was one of the most incredible moments of my life... it was a true testimony of how INCREDIBLE God's plans truly are... but the blessings God has poured out on your family didn't just stop there... He decided to give them an AMAZING gift... yup that's right.. He gave them YOU!
Trin, you are the promise they waited for you are the baby they prayed for. You came to their lives and tied your family even closer together. You were so tiny (and still are) but you were so content and cuddly. You were EVERYTHING the prayed for. Your parents and big sister and brother were so excited. They all love you soooo much, don't EVERdoubt that baby girl. People from near and far were excited about your arrival and could not wait to meet you. Shortly after you were born I got a call from your mommy. I could tell she had been crying, which instantly made me sad b/c she's my Jonathan and I hate seeing her sad. She told me that you had a whole in your heart and that they were going to possibly have to do open heart surgery. As I fought back tears I prayed and fully believed that God could and would take care of you. I came to your house to meet you and hold you and the moment our eyes met I realized how AMAZING you were. You little girl are going to impact the lives of thousands of people, there is a purpose for your little life and I cannot wait to see and hear about all the great things you will do to impact others. As I held you I silently prayed that God would be the holder of your heart from then till your very last breath, that whole or not whole you would be made whole in Him and that all those you came in contact with would be pointed toward Him because of your little life.
Trin today you're in a hospital operating room in Boston and I have cried tears of sorrow for your mommy, daddy, big sister and big brother, and the rest of the people who love you, but I have also cried tears of joy because little girl... you have rocked the hearts of so many people... there are thousands of people praying for you. So Trin as you lay there in the hospital know that your Auntie Kit Kat loves you more then you know and that for the rest of your life I will be praying for you and believing BIG time that God has a plan and a purpose for you life and that He is going to do AWESOME things in and through you.
Trin you are loved!!!! Praying that today on your 5 month birthday God grants you the first of MANY miracles to come in your life! I fully believe that you will impact others! LOVE you baby girl!
LOVE- Auntie Kit Kat =)