If I handed you my heart would you break it into pieces or would you treat it with the utmost care?
If I let you see the real me would you run and hide or would you embrace me with and open mind?
If I told you my fears would you use them against me or would you try to help me over come them?
If you saw all my faults would you shut me out or would you encourage me to do better in life?
My heart has been so bruised and battered that sometimes I tuck it down deep so it doesn't happen again.
The real me sometimes wants to cry my eyes out and not just because the movie I'm watching is sad.
My fears may seem and probably are a little crazy but they are pretty real in my silly little world.
The faults I have sometimes overcome the triumphs I'd like to accomplish and that bums me out.
BUT... if I live in fear of what might happen, what kind of life would that really be? My heart may end up a little broken, I may have to be a little more open then I'm used to, my fears may have to take a back seat and my faults may have to be something I focus a little less on. But if I am not willing to do all that then how will I ever experience the life HE has planned out for me. So I'll just have to ask... God, heal the broken heartedness I may encounter, patch up the ego that may get damaged, no better yet smash the ego and replace it with what and who you want for me to be, replace my fears with your promises and take my faults and turn them into experiences that can be used for you.
(easier said than done... but it's the direction I'm heading in...)
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