How could anyone look at a child and instead of seeing potential and the future see an oportunity for sex and personal gain? All around the world kids as young as 6 (some even younger) are being sold, stolen or forced into slavery. This slavery isn't to farm land, cook and clean this slavery is sexual slavery. How could anyone think its ok to force a child to do things they should never even know about. I look into the eyes of innocent and adorable children on a pretty much daily basis and I could not imagine someone hurting anyone of them, but it happens and it happens more often then people would think. Kids are forced into slavery and put on a brothel menu... their names are taken away and they are given numbers attactched with services they will provide and the prices. Every minute 2 children are dragged into this dark world of human trafficing. At the end of a day that equals 2,880 kids, in a week its 20,160, in a month (appox) 86,400, and a year 1,051,200... over one million children in a year dragged into the world of human trafficing. What a horible thought. I wasn't sold into that dark scary world but I know the pain attatched to it all too well. Children should be allowed to be children for as long as possible, to remain sweet and innocent, for the world to be a place where they can learn freely and be loved. Instead for too many children it may become a place where they tremble in fear as they cling to their teddy bears and hope for a better tomorrow all the while feeling like it may never come.

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