Friday, February 10, 2012

Growth Spurts....

As a former kid and someone who is around kids all the time I have experienced and watched others go through growth spurts. Growth is needed, there is NO way around that. Our bodies are no where near the same from the moment of conception we are growing and changing. Which is probably a good thing because if we all looked like that alien sack that babies look like in the womb around month 5 we'd look weird (although we'd all be used to it by now so we'd probably be ok with it). But still I'm glad we don't look like that.

Thing is growth isn't just needed in the physical aspect of the word it's also needed in the rest of life. If we never grow emotionally we would cry every time we were hungry (which some people do... I have friends who for sure get Hangry (angry b/c they are hungry)--> Thank you Josh Sepulveda for teaching me cool words). And I know I get a little (or a lot) frustrated when I get tired. But for the most part we all grow and mature emotionally. We also obviously grow physically, we get taller, our bodies change. Some times that process it painful... I remember as a kid having to take children's tylenol and motrin when I was going through growth spurts some times because it was painful. There is also spiritual growth. Sometimes that growth is rapid, sometimes it's slow, it hurts some times and at other times it's painless.

Personally I have been walking though a little bit of a spiritual growth spurt. Through things I am reading in my bible, in other books, in prayer, in conversation, in counseling, and life experiences lately God has been messing me up. It's been an intense process. Some moments have been amazing and mountain top experiences, where when I'm walking through it all I see is the amazingness around me. Some have been less epic and more heart breaking and gut wrenching. Some have ripped me up inside. Some have caused some me to need to deal with some deep rooted hurts. Some have caused me to get real quiet and sit alone for a while. Some have cause me to reach out to others for guidance, love, support, and encouragement (which every once in a while was a good swift kick in the pants). Some have brought me to tears. But most ALL of them have driven me to my knees.

I am learning that my weak knees to best when I am kneeling on them and crying out for God to step in. I'm learning that my strength is found in Christ alone. I'm learning that my heart is not as weak as I thought it was. I am learning that the promise God makes in Philippians 4:13 (msg) "I can make it through anything in the ONE who makes me who I am" is without a doubt true. I know that I can stand firm on the promises of what God has for me. I know that HE is for me. I know that no matter what I have had to live though He's got this! Scripture has been hitting me hard and impacting my life in such a positive way. Reading and praying through scriptures has been extremely impacting.

Loving this growth spurt, even though it's painful it's been good! =)

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