Needed a lesson form those I respect and admire today as I dealt with these questions:
How do you react when the thing you believe in the most next to your belief in God Him self is being publicly attacked? When someone is saying things that are sugar coated and masked to not appear to be belittling that thing that has stolen your heart and passion without you even knowing it what do you say? In a group of people that are supposed to be supportive, loving and compassionate people are backstabbing, giving false information and flat our lying. What does God honor? God honors the humble. The ones who remember where they came from and who's they are, what they have and who they have it because of. The humble don't spotlight themselves they give credit and honor to others. The humble encourage others and uplift those who are hurting or in need. The humble ask God to continue to mold, shape, teach and guide them. The humble are honest, they keep their word and the promises they have made. The humble do not point out the fact that they are humble and most often hate it when others point out the amazing things they have done or the great things they are attempting to accomplish.
I am honored to be associated with some pretty humble and amazing people. Sure they have their flaws but one thing I truly appreciate about these people is they are willing to admit their faults and their wrongs. Another is that they are quick to say they are sorry when they have hurt someone.
So my prayer today..... God help me to become more like the people I respect and admire because they truly emulate Jesus!
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