Sixty years ago God chose to bring a little bouncy baby boy in the the world. He picked this little guy before the foundations of the world to be the oldest child of John and Georgiabell. They have 4 more after him. He was the level headed big brother whoalways tried to help his siblings to things that would do his best to help his siblings strive and survive. Their lives weren't perfect but they were a triumphant group. The little boy grew up to be your average guy who worked a jobas a manager at mcdonalds to pay the bills. It was there he met a woman who he fell in love with. While working their shifts at mcdonalds they grew in their relationship. After 3 months they got engaged... which obviously lead to a wedding. They got married toward the end of October in 1979 soon after they started a family, two boys then a little girl and their family continued to grow. This man wasn't your average joe, he was (and is) an AMAZING man. You know the kind of guy who would do ANYTHING for his family and friends. The kind of guy who wants to live every day like it's his last andin a way that at the end of his life will lead him to God saying to him "WELL done good and FAITHFUL servant."
Who is this guy you ask... this guy... this average joe, everyday super hero... he's my daddy... and I am so honored to be his daughter. My dad is one of those guys who people might look at and think, what's so special about him, well let me tell you what's so special about him. First of all, he was the first man who ever loved me so that alone makes him incredible (not because I am awesome but because I am ever so often acomplicated mess and he still loves me no matter what). My dad is an over comer, you tell him he can't or he shouldn't and he's going to do his darndest to prove you wrong.My dad is kindhearted, he'd give you the shirt off his back and anything elseyou'd ask for, simply because he's THAT GUY. My dad is compassionate, he's got the biggest heart I have EVER known, he loves so much and is not really concerned about the love returned. My dad has so many amazing qualities and some day I hope I imitate even a portion of his positive attributes to the people in my world. My dad is an amazing man and I am so thankful that God has allowed me the HONOR of being his daughter.
HAPPY 60th BIRTHDAY to the greatest Dad in the world. I love you daddy! Happy Birthday!!!! (AND MANNNNYYYYYY MORRRREEEEE)

My Daddy and I the first time we ever met! =)

My dad who would do ANYTHING for me and I at our church Christmas Party this year! =)

Most of his kiddos... Fathers day 2011