We make the choice to love or to hurt. We decide if we are going to let people in or push them away. We pick and choose who we allow close enough to see our tears and our pain. We hide our happiness when we know others are going through tremendous amounts of sorrow and hurt. Our worlds are so easily impacted by others. Our lives seem to fall apart at times with just a simple shift of the winds. Our world views shape our reactions, our hearts break when we hear bad news, our minds explode with the thoughts that run through them all day. We're afraid to admit we can't handle it all on our own because some where in this journey we learned that asking for help isn't ok. When the tears start to flow we apologize of hide our faces because for some reason crying about things is no longer allowed. We are beings who were created to feel and were given such strong emotions and yet we some how think it is wrong to express those emotions or feelings because of what others may say or think. We all do at least one of these things, we all feel, we all love, we all hurt, we all cry, we all freak out, but so many of us feel like we're not allowed to express any of that for some reason. Someone somewhere in our lives told us we had to SHHH and not talk about the things that happen to us, in our live, around us or those moments that will forever define us be it negative or positive. Someone said it was not ok to feel what you felt, and you shouldn't talk about it because it might make other people feel weird. Someone told you you had to hold it in, you had to suck it up and deal. Someone told you to just get over it. Someone made you feel like your emotions and reactions were not justified.
Well.... that someone LIED. The creator of the universe, GOD, created you to be who you are. HE made you with all of your emotions, all of your traits (good and bad), all of your feelings, He made all of you. He knit you together in your mothers womb, He knew you before the foundations of the earth, every step was ordered. Yeah, even that one, the one that hurt so bad you're not sure you'll ever get over it, yeah He allowed that to happen.... why.... it's simple, while GOD is incredible and loving man still remains man with free will and quite honestly stupidity and we in turn weather by accident or on purpose hurt others (hurting people hurt people). The awesome thing about hurt is... it can be REDEEMED (just like those bottles & cans that you turn in to get money). God can use your hurt to positively impact the lives of others... but... you have to be willing to allow for healing. You have to "let go and let God"... surrender your hurt, your pain and yes even your desire for revenge and allow God to love you like never before sot that you can learn to love others and help them heal.
We all make choices, we all have emotions, we were all created by a loving God who wants nothing more then to see our ashes turned into beauty. The choice is yours, how will you react?