Our amazing moms at The Point kicked off their group JEMS (Just Extraordinary Moms). I had the honor of hanging our with their little JEWLS (their kids). As I watched these toddlers just play and being themselves. They were so happy just running around on a baseball field and singing wheels on the bus.
A little later in the day I had the amazing chance to meet the newest member of Point Kids. An adorable baby girl named Lily (who despite her actual name I will call her LilyRose). Her parents and brother and sister were all so excited about her arrival.
Then I found myself sitting in my office (that sounds weird) looking around and thinking while I was finishing up the prep for the kids lesson on sunday. While I was thinking about how to explain joy to kids I realized I had been experiencing moments of JOY all day. As I reflected a little more I figured out that I have been experiencing JOY for about 10 years now. When I thought about why that was I realized that despite the tough moments in life I have been given this amazing gift of LOVE from God. No matter what goes on in life there is always HIS love for me which always produces JOY in my heart. (now I just have to work on getting it from my heart to my face more often but hey... people who are trying to grow have to continue to learn)
So glad that God's love for me results in JOY. Life has had too many moments of pain and hurt.... JOY is a much better gift and result.