"My latter will be greater than my past!" It's from a song but it has sort of become my catch phrase or my mantra if you will.
In my Senior year of Bible College our worship leader introduced a bunch of new songs this song was one of them. When I first heard it my thought was... really?!?!? After hearing it a few times I realized my dislike for the song was because of the hurt and pain I had lived through. I couldn't figure out how my life was going to be AMAZING if it has been less than good for such a long time.
As I started to pray and ask God to heal my heart I began to understand that my thoughts of me and my past were not the ones He had for me. Through reading my Bible and talking about what I had experienced I could feel that chains that entangled my heart loosen up, but they would never be completely gone until I was willing to let go of the things I was holding onto.
You cannot experience true freedom- the greater until you LET GO of the past! So whatever it is that is causing you hurt, whatever it is you are dealing with, whatever it is that you have lived through, let the past go and let your LATTER truly have the ability to be GREATER than your past!