We have this big orange bin at my house that we put our recycle materials in. Once a week a truck comes by the house and empties the bucket into a truck where it is then taken to a recycling plant so that it can be treated and processed to make it suitable for reuse. Doesn't sound too tough or challenging... but recycling our pain... that sounds a little more tough and challenging. The hurts, habits and hang ups in our lives can either beat us down and destroy us or we can recycle that pain and reach out to others. It hurts a lot the first time you open up and share but the more you do it the more freeing it is. I've told my story a few times the first few were really hard to get through but then as you share it becomes something that you actually want to do. Its like a really deep cut... it takes time to heal but once it does your left with a scar... no longer painful just a reminder of what happened... a scar. Battle wounds are a part of life... we can either cover them up or tell others about them to help them avoid some pain or at least walk through it together. Recycle... let the things you go through process so that it can be made suitable for reuse.